- “a” pronounced “ah”, as in word “father.
- “e” generally pronounced shorter sound than the short “e” in English, as in word "exam".
- “i” pronounced “ee”, as in “meet”.
- "o” pronounced as long “o”, as in “hold”.
- “u” pronounced “oo” as in “toot”.
- “aa” pronounced as “aah”.
- “ai” long “i” sound as in “eye” (“ah+ee” in one sound).
- “au” pronounced as “ow”, as in word “cow” (“ah+oo” in one sound).
Indonesian consonants generally pronounced as consonants in English Language, with these exception:
- “c” pronounced “ch”, as in “chip”.
- “g” pronunced hard “g”, sound as in “goat.
- “ng” pronounced as in “lung”. The sound comes from the back of your throat WITHOUT the hard “g” sound.
- “ngg”“ung”+ hard “g” sound as in “hunger”
- “ny" pronounced as in “canyon”.
- “h” a sigh-like sound that is pronounced, at times quite prominently. Unlike English, it is NOT silent no matter where it is found in a word.
- “k” the normal “k” sound as in “kite” EXCEPT when found at the end of a word, where it is cut off or very soft. This is also called a glottal stop, which is similar to the sound at the back of your throat when saying “oh-oh”.
- “r” pronounced as hard "r" or "rr".
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